Ask yourself the following Questions and identify where you can go wrong in Prelims:
1. Do you follow Comprehensive, yet Concise study material?
IAS exam contains questions from various topics and sub topics. Thus, the study material for IAS exam preparation needs to be comprehensive.
As the IAS exam requires coverage of such a huge syllabus, appropriate time utilization is important for success. Thus, it is important to study course material which is comprehensive but at the same time, focused and concise.
2. Do you regularly Review Past year questions?
Past year question papers asked in IAS exam guide the candidates as to the pattern and type of questions asked in IAS exam. Also, review of past years papers bring confidence in the students preparing for civil services exam.
3. Have you taken Regular tests?
Regular tests are essential as part of preparation because regular tests motivate the students to work hard, bring consistency among the students and evaluate their performance so that appropriate remedial action can be taken, as required.
4. Have you undertaken the complete coverage of the syllabus?
As the level of competition is very high, so it is important that the candidate has prepared all the areas from which questions are asked in exam. The list of subjects required to be covered for Prelims exam are:
1. Polity
2. Geography: Physical, Economic, Human, India and World
3. History: Modern, Medieval and Ancient
4. Economics: Indian and International
5. Science: Conventional and Contemporary
6. Environment
7. Culture
8. International Organisations
9. Current Affairs
5. Are you undertaking multiple Revisions?
It takes time to master the new concepts and learn lots of facts. Thus, we recommend multiple revisions of the syllabus.
6. Have you ignored GS Paper II (Popularly known as CSAT)?
The marks obtained by a candidate in GS Paper II are not added to GS Paper I score. However, it is necessary to score qualifying marks in GS Paper II. Many a times it is seen that a candidate scores more than the cut-off score in GS Paper I but fails to qualify GS Paper II. Thus, we strongly recommend a decent preparation of GS Paper II.