DWQA QuestionsCategory: GS Paper IIQ. Rajya Sabha has an important role in Parliamentary democracy. Examine this role. In recent years, it is alleged that the Government has bypassed the scrutiny of this institution. Do you think so? (GS Paper II; 250 words, 15 marks)
2 Answers
Sanu sarkar answered 5 years ago

Rajyasabha is the integral part of parliament.In the parliamentary democracy Rajya sabha plays important role to enact the law,where members are elected by the state MLA. It is also the instance of federal government.
Role of Rajyasabha-
1) According to article 249 Rajyasabha can pass resolution which is in interest of state.
2) According to article 312 only Rajyasabha can create All India service.
3)At the time of constitution amendment bill Rajyasabha has the same function as loksabha. If it is defeated in Rajyasabha then it will cease to exist.
4) Rajyasabha also play same role as loksabha in the process of impeachment of President and removal of supreme court judge.
Although Rajyasabha play important role in parliamentary democracy there has some limitation. Now there has allegation that the government is using the loophole of Rajyasabha while passing the bill.
1)In money bill only loksabha has exclusive power to pass the bill.If loksabha send money bill to Rajyasabha and if Rajyasabha doesn’t take any action within 14 days or resend it to loksabha with some recommendation then it is deemed to be passed by Rajya sabha.
2) Using this loophole government deliberately passing the ordinary bill as money bill to avoid any resistance from Rajyasabha.
Conclusion-If central government passes the bill unilaterally then it is so harmful for our country. Rajyasabha is the chamber of filter so government should avail it while passing the bill.