DWQA QuestionsCategory: GS Paper IIIQ. There have been reports of recovered COVID-19 patients testing positive a second time. Given the limited knowledge about COVID-19 behaviour, what are the possible causes of this relapse? (150 words,10 Marks)
1 Answers
Best Answer
Sanu sarkar answered 5 years ago

The knowledge about covid-19 disease is little till now.The researcher of different country examining to procure knowledge about it.The common behaviour about covid-19 disease is fever,sneeze,shortness of breath which lead to pneumonia.Children and aged person are mostly affected by novel coronavirus because their immunity system is low.
Cause of relapse-
1) The affected person is recovered by creating antibody in body.but it is unknown that how long it will protect from this virus.
2)If the recovered person come to the contact of infected person then there have possibility to infect again.because the DNA structure of this virus may change from person to person,so the antibody may not protect from this virus.
3) There has no vaccine of this virus so the antibody of recovered person is permanent or not it is still unknown.
4)The negligence of clinical worker who test the virus in clinic.
5)Some testing kit which show result different from actual result.
6)Those person who are actually recovered by the treatment of common symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath there have the possibility of relapse this disease.
Conclusion-After recovery from this disease everybody should maintain social distance and increase immunity system,so that we can control over this disease.